ULW Czech, s.r.o.
V Ráji 34, Praha 9
Hostavice, 198 00, CZ, IČO: 28256212, DIČ: CZ28256212
if you disabled Location services in System settings, enable Location services and
reboot the Device
(rebooting is necessary after cycling Location services
achieving position lock requires that GNSS satellites are in view and not obstructed
by materials/structures impenetrable by the satellit
es’ signal
. Therefore,
positioning services will not be available inside most buildings and may be
compromised by difficult conditions, such as deep valleys or streets surrounded by
tall buildings (city canyons). When performing a GPS position test, go outside
where there is a good sky-view. First position lock after longer period of idle or
after significantly changing location after last position lock might take longer time,
especially if the Device is not connected to internet (up to 10 minutes to achieve
first position lock. Subsequent position locks should be much faster). If position
lock is not achieved under the aforesaid conditions, contact our support team;
GPS position lock is unreliable (
real location is far off or is “jumping”)
Turn off Google Location Accuracy improvement (it actually does not improve in
many cases / not reliably):
Make sure you have good sky-view (location accuracy might be compromised in
difficult terrain, such as
deep valleys, steep slopes, high surrounding buildings, …)
Make sure the GPS antenna is not covered. When the Device is in Portrait, make
sure the antenna is facing up: