9-5 Set of the printing density.
9-5-1 Prt Set in the Menu is to adjust the density of the printing letter. It is possible to adjust the
density from 0 to 399. To set the density, press the
keys in Prt Set.
Upon completing the setup, press the ENTER key to store it.
9-5-2 Normal density is around 100 and depending on the printing material or how much dark and
light printing required, it could be adjusted. (At the time of delivery from factory, it is set at 100).
9-5-3 To set the density too high, it could shorten the printer's life span. So mind to set not too high.
CAUTION 1: Set Mode is generally used in winter time or very cold area since in cold temperature
the printing is usually produced light. Unless it produces very light, it is better to keep
density value at 100 in set mode.
CAUTION 2: Printing paper is thermal paper which is sensitive to the heat and bright light such as
sunlight, and when it is exposed to such circumstances, the condition of the paper is
turning to unprintable. So when keeping it in storage, store it in black plastic bag to
avoid the contact from the light.