: normally energized coil.
: menu to program the digital filter’s parameters.
This function allows you to solve two different kinds of problems:
• stabilize the value of the instantaneous measurement displayed by
LDI35 when the value is not enough stable from the beginning and would
not therefore allow either a clear reading on the display or a good control
by the alarm set-point (if present);
• allow an amplitude of the displayed scale as regards to the electrical
one >2.
An example of how the electrical scale is to be used can be the
measurement of a process signal from a transmitter: 0 to 20mA, 4 to
20mA, 0 to 10V, 0 to 5V, 1 to 5V and so on, which can correspond to a
pressure, humidity, temperature, etc. In this case the measured signal
managed by the electrical scale (see “Lo.E”, “Hi.E”) has a numerical
value which is completely different from the one of the displayed scale
(see “Lo”, “Hi”).
Fi.S : programming of the activation range of the digital filter. This value
is programmable within the range: 0
The programmable numerical value represents the fluctuation range of
the value which has been measured and displayed by LDI35. In the first
configuration phase this value must be 0 and the right value is to be
entered only after the verification of the possible fluctuation.
Example: the measured instantaneous value varies from 1204 to 1210,
and the value to be entered as “Fi.S” is 6 (1210 - 1204).
Fi.C : programming of the value of the filtering coefficient. Value to be
programmed within the range: 1
The higher “Fi.C”, the higher the filtering of the measured value and the