The WIRING CHECK function allows to check and correct the connections.
For it to work properly, the following three conditions must be met:
1. the set system must be “3P+N”,
2. all voltages must be connected,
3. All currents must be greater than zero, with an offset ranging between a 45° lag and a 15° lead (power factor > 0.7 inductive or
> 0.96 capacitive)
Display check
During operation, if a wiring error is detected the alarm icon will light up.
If the three conditions fail to be met, the following indications shall be displayed in the WIRING info page:
V MISSING: at least one voltage is missing
I MISSING: at least one current is missing
PF OUT OF RANGE: the current-voltage offset is out of range.
Check from UCS software
By connecting to the analyzer through the UCS software or UCS Mobile, you can verify the connections and perform the steps
required to correct the wiring error.
Virtual correction from UCS software or UCS Mobile
The virtual correction function allows to calculate the wiring error solution and to modify the association of the physical connections
with the measurement references.
if the connections of terminals 5 and 6 are inverted (voltage 2 and voltage 3), by accepting the proposed solution, voltage 2 shall
be the one measured with reference to terminal 6, while voltage 3 shall be the one referring to terminal 5.
The unit shall display the
icon, signalling that the association was modified via software and referring to the info pages to
check the phase-terminal associations set by UCS.
the function is not available in MID models
Tariff management
Tariff management via digital input
To manage tariffs using the digital input set the function of the digital input as tariff (via keypad or UCS software). The current tariff
depends on the status of the input
Digital input status
Tariff 1
Tariff 2
Tariff management Modbus RTU
To manage tariffs using the Modbus RTU command enable tariff management via Modbus command from UCS software
Digital input status
No tariff
Tariff 1
Tariff 2
EM530/EM540 - User manual |23/11/2022 | CARLO GAVAZZI Controls SpA