- 5 -
3.2 Shut the box
At a start of the game all flaps are closed. A player begins his or her turn by rolling
dice. After rolling, the player adds up the numbers on the dice and then open one of
any combination of open numbers that equals the total number of dots showing on the
dices. For example, if the total number of dots is 8, the player may choose any of the
following sets of numbers 8, 7 and 1, 6 and 2, 5 and 3, 5 and 2 and 1, 4 and 3 and 1.
The player then rolls the dice again, aiming to shut more numbers. The player
continues throwing the dice and shutting numbers until reaching a point at which, given
the results produced by the dice, the player cannot shut any more numbers. At that
point, the player scores the sum of the numbers that are still uncovered. Play then
passes to the next player. After every player has taken a turn, the player with the
lowest score wins. If a player succeeds in closing all of the numbers, he or she is said
to have 'Shut the Box' Ð the player wins immediately and the game is over.
3.3 Cargo
The game is inspired by Ship, Captain and Crew drinking game played with six
dices. The object of the game is to roll a 6 (the "ship"), a 5 ("captain"), and a 4 ("crew")
with three dices, and get the highest score with the rest three dice ("the ship's cargo").
Each player starts their turn by rolling six dices. They are attempting to roll a 6, 5 and
4 in descending order, and whenever the number they require is rolled, they "bank" it
by setting it aside. Banking is done by setting the correspondent slider.
For example, if the first roll of the dice shows a 6, a 4, a 3, a 3, a 2 and a 1, the
player banks the 6 but must reroll the 4 because there is no 5 yet. If their second roll
gives a 6, a 5, a 4, a 2 and a 1 player may bank the 5 and 4 together. Now player have
a full "crew" for their ship.
Each player has five rolls, and after their fifth they score their turn. If they have a
crewed ship then they score the "cargo" - the total of the rest three dices. If player
crewed ship before fifth turn, game can be finished earlier. If player do not have a
crewed ship after fifth roll, player score no points. The F4 is used to accept cargo
before fifth roll.
3.4 Dices
It is simple throwing of dices mode, which can be used to support some other
games. Holding the current value of the dice can be done by setting the corresponding