+030220585 - 1.1 - 10.12.2015
If parallel compression is managed by an external board, this must be confi gured using the Wizard,
considering that the system manages suction only
and that the control set point is the pressure required in the CO
The following confi gurations are recommended for controlling the compressor or compressors used for
parallel compression.
One modulating compressor only
If there is only one modulating compressor, proportional plus integral control (P+I) is recommended. The set
point can be the same used for receiver pressure control using the fl ash valve. One possible confi guration
is shown below:
PROP.+INT. control
set point 35 barg
diff erential 2 barg
integral time 120 seconds
Two or more compressors
If the parallel compression is managed using more than one compressor, the recommended control strategy
is dead zone.
In this case, the control set point should be set slightly lower (e.g. 1 barg) than the fl ash valve set point; this
ensures prompt activation of parallel compression when the conditions are right.