pRack +040000071 rel. 1.1 - 14.10.2011
Starting the fi rst time
After having correctly installed pRack, as described
in the User Manual cod. +0300011EN, a number of
preliminary operations are required to confi gure the
: the pRack PR100 confi
procedure varies according to the complexity of
the installation:
systems with only one board and maximum one
external terminal.
In this case, simply connect the
terminal (if not built-in), power up the board and
select one of the confi guration solutions described
systems with more than one board in pLAN or
two external terminals
. In this case, the additional
operations described in Appendix A. 2 of the User
Manual cod.+0300011EN need to be completed
before proceeding with confi guration.
The procedure for confi guring an installation described
below is the same for all system confi gurations that
feature just one pRack PR100 board, and for system
confi gurations with more than one board connected
in a pLAN.
When fi rst starting the pRack PR100 board, after waiting
around 1 minute, a screen is shown for choosing the
language used to display the program (English or Italian).
Press ENTER (
) to change the language displayed,
while pressing ESC displays the following screen.
: If no option is chosen within a time set by
parameter and visible on the screen, the current
language remains selected.
: pRack PR100 is available as standard with
English and Italian languages loaded on board.
Other languages are available at ksa.carel.com that can
be loaded onto the control using the pRack Manager
software, following the procedure described in Chap. 10
of the User Manual cod.+0300011EN.
After having selected the user interface language, the
pRack PR100 software shows a screen for choosing
between three possible system confi guration solutions,
as follows:
Pre-confi gurations
Advanced confi guration.
: after having confi gured the system,
the confi guration can be modifi ed, it can be
modifi ed by repeating the same procedure, making
sure the Carel default values have been reset as
described in paragraph 6.8.2 of the User Manual
: after having confi gured the system,
power down the controller and power up again.
1.2 Pre-confi gurations
Start up
Select Config.Item:
Choose one from the
configuration in the
Fig. 1.a
This solution is used to choose between thirteen
confi gurations pre-loaded in the pRack PR100 software.
For the description of the pre-confi gurations see the
table below, while for the complete description of each
confi guration see Chap.2.
pRack PR100 automatically confi gures the inputs and
outputs as described in paragraph 4.1.4 of the User
Manual cod.+0300011EN; for details on the inputs and
outputs associated with each pre-confi guration, see
Chap. 2.
1.3 Wizard
Start up
Select Config.Item:
Answer the questions
to have a fully
Fig. 1.b
This solution is used to obtain the recommended
confi guration for the specifi c installation. By responding
to a series of questions, screen by screen, the user is
guided through the selection of the devices present.
Once the guided selection procedure has been
completed, the end result (report) is shown, and if
the confi guration is suitable the parameters to start
operation of the pRack PR100 can be installed directly,
including those associated with the inputs and
outputs as described in parag. 4.1.4 of the User Manual
: after having confi gured the parameters
using the Wizard, the confi guration can be
modifi ed manually, within the context of the selected