“gaSteam HARDWARE” +030220940 -rel. 1.6 - 06.12.2013
7.1 Operating principle
In a gas humidifi er the production of steam is obtained inside a boiler
containing water that is heated to and then held at boiling temperature.
The heat required to boil the water is provided by a heat exchanger,
heated by a type C pre-mix modulating room-sealed gas burner
(standards compliant), which takes in air for combustion and discharges
the fl ue gas to the outside through suitable piping.
This unit is therefore suitable for environments where there is not
cient fresh air.
The operation of the burner is completely automatic and does not use
a pilot fl ame.
All the operating phases of the burner are controlled by an electronic
board, which also constantly checks the presence of the fl ame by
ionisation. The output of the burner continuously responds to the request
for heat, according to an ample modulation ratio (1:4).
The variable speed fan (managed by the control board), together with
the proportional gas valve, allows the output to be modulated (the fl ow-
rate of gas is proportional to that of the air required for combustion).
The water that evaporates over time is automatically replaced with water
from the mains supply.
In stable operating conditions, the level of production required is
automatically controlled by adjusting the thermal output of the burner.
The salts introduced by the automatic refi lling of the water are partly
deposited as lime scale inside the boiler, contributing to the progressive
depletion of the cylinder, and partly remain dissolved in the water. To
avoid excessive accumulation of salts, a quantity of water is periodically
and automatically drained and then replaced with renewal water.
For further information on operation, see the controller manual - cod.