Cyan (C), Magenta (M), Yellow (Y) and Black (K). CMYK is the standard color model
used for offset printing of full-color documents, using the secondary colors of light
(plus black). CMYK is a subtractive process, which subtracts reflected colors from
white. The CMY color model uses cyan, magenta, and yellow to create colors
throughout the spectrum. The combination of cyan, magenta, and yellow in equal
amounts results in no reflection of light (black). One of the most difficult aspects of
color printing is color matching, which is properly converting RGB color into CMYK
colors, so that what gets printed looks the same as what appears on the display. The
four colors are printed on paper as layers of halftone dots in varying sizes and angles
to create the illusion of different colors.
Community Name
An identification keyword for SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol).
Confidential Fax Inbox
A type of inbox for storing received fax/I-fax documents. If received fax/I-fax
documents match the forwarding conditions, they are forwarded to the Confidential
Fax Inbox corresponding to the forwarding conditions, without being printed. The
documents can then be printed whenever necessary. If a password is set for a
Confidential Fax Inbox, it is necessary to enter a password to print the documents.
Container object
An object in the directory tree of a NetWare network which can hold other objects. An
organizational unit, such as a company department, is a container object. An
organizational unit can contain objects representing network resources, such as
workstations, servers, and printers.
In NetWare, this indicates the location of an object existing in the directory tree.
A file left on a user's computer when the user visits a Web site. A cookie allows the
Web site to recognize the user on subsequent visits. Cookies are generally used to
enable a user to automatically sign on to certain Web sites and to customize the
features offered by such sites.
Copy Ratio/Zoom Ratio
Numeric representation for the reduction or enlargement of an original.
Содержание ImageRunner C2550
Страница 2: ......
Страница 3: ...Color imageRUNNER C3480 C3480i C3080 C3080i C2550 Network Guide 0 Ot...
Страница 150: ...Setting Up a Computer as a File Server 5 24 5 Using a NetBIOS Network...
Страница 194: ...Confirming Settings 8 22 8 Appendix 04 06 2007 FRI 04 32 iR C3480 002...
Страница 195: ...Confirming Settings 8 23 8 Appendix 04 06 2007 FRI 04 32 iR C3480 003...
Страница 232: ...Index 8 60 8 Appendix...
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