Copy Guide – iR ADV
1. Basic Features
Select the Copy option from the Home screen
Place your originals in the documentfeederoron the platen glass.
Specify the desired copy modes on the Copy Basic Features screen.
1.1. Regular Copy Basic Features
The screen below, which appears when [Copy] is selected from the main menu, is called the Regular Copy Basic
Features screen.
1.2. Cancelling Copy Job
There is more than one way to cancel a copying job
1. Press
on the pop-up screen that appears whilst the machine is scanning, printing or waiting to
2. Press the orange stop button on the control panel and wait foryour copying job to stop
3. Press the system monitor button and highlight the job you wish to cancel, if one than one jobs
1.3. Paper Selection
The default setting is Auto paper select; the machine will automatically select paper depending on the
original size. Paper selection can manually be specified,
1. Press the Paper Select button.
2. Select the paper size.