In the Print Style category, select [Custom layout printing] and set the categories
as you feel necessary.
Change the layout or add text as you feel necessary in the Layout Print window.
See "
Layout Print Window Features
" (p. 56) for an explanation of procedures for
changing the layout or adding text.
Click [Print].
This will open the Print window.
After setting the number of copies, and other settings, click [Print].
After the printing finishes, click
to close the window.
To save the layout, click [Save]. To proceed without saving, click [Don't Save]. When the
save operation is complete, the original ImageBrowser window will be restored.
You can print a contact sheet of the thumbnails or print the image
shooting information if you click [Print] in the Browser Window and
select [Index Print].
Selects a printer.
Selects options such as the
paper size and orientation
when you click [Page Setup].