Describes operating procedure from set up
and software installation to scanning and
confirmation of operation. Please read before
using the scanner for the first time.
Printed Manual
CanoScan FB1200S
Getting Started
Detailed information on how to use
Plug-in Module CS-S.
Plug-in Module CS-S 3.6
User's Guide
Electronic Manual
Detailed information on the scanner
and the CD-ROM.
CanoScan FB1200S
Product Guide
Electronic Manual
Electronic Manual
Detailed information on how to use
ScanGear CS-S and ScanGear Toolbox CS.
ScanGear CS-S 4.3
User's Guide
Tells you how to use Adobe Photoshop 5.0 LE
and Caere OmniPage Limited Edition.
Electronic Manuals
Manual for Each
Application Software
After you have read this
book and mastered the
use of ScanGearCS-S.
After reading this
guide and scanner is set
up and ready for use.
Tells you how to get the
best scanning results.
Detailed information
on care of the
scanner and handling
the accompanying
When using the
application software.
After you have read
this book and
mastered the use of
Plug-in Module CS-S.
When you open the box
Detailed information on how to use
CanoScan Toolbox CS.
CanoScan Toolbox CS
User's Guide
Electronic Manual
This Guide
How to Make Best Use of the Manuals