Adjust their length in accordance with the size of the child so that they fit tightly to its body and do
not change their length and are not twisted. Regularly check whether they are stably secured to
the construction of the stroller and the safety of buckling! The belts should not be worn or torn and
the plastic buckles and fasteners should be firm, without damage and to ensure a secure
6. The assembly, unfolding and folding must be performed by an adult only.
7. Before each use check whether the stroller is in good working condition and the stability of fixing
of the parts (seat, canopy, footrest, bumper bar, backrest, handles) in the chosen position. Stop
using the stroller if there are worn or torn connections, damaged or missing parts! The risk of injury
to the child is great.
8. Before use make sure that all blocking mechanisms are engaged! Engage the blocking
mechanisms when the stroller is not moving, on inclined terrains or when you place the child in or
remove the child from the stroller!
9. Before you place the child in the stroller make sure that the construction is completely unfolded
and all locking mechanisms are engaged, in order to avoid injury of the child from sudden folding
of the stroller.
10. Fold and unfold the stroller carefully, in order to avoid the risk of pinching of fingers. Make sure
that the child is at a safe distance when you make adjustments, unfold or fold the stroller.
11. Never lift, fold the stroller or perform actions such as adjustments, repairs, etc. when there is a
child in it!
12. Keep the child away from access to any moving and removable parts.
13. Do not change the position of the backrest when the child is in the stroller. The position of the
backrest must be adjusted by an adult only.
14. Do not place additional mattress thicker than 15mm.
15. Do not place bags or other objects in the stroller with the child or on the canopy!
Each load hooked to the handle, bumper bar, backrest or at the side of the stroller will affect the
stability of the stroller. Do not overload the stroller. Otherwise it may upturn and the child may get
16. Do not place objects with long cords around the neck of the child and do not attach additional
strings to the toys of the child, in order to avoid the risk of suffocation.
17. The bumper bar must be locked always while the child is in the stroller! Lifting the stroller by its
bumper bar is dangerous for the child.
18. Do not allow the child to stand up in the stroller, climb on it or hang from it!
19. Do not allow children to play with the stroller! It is dangerous for children or animals to play
close to the stroller or under it!
20. Move the stroller with speed equal to the speed while walking. Do not use it while playing
sports – running, roller skating or take part in another sports activity!
21. Do not use the stroller on stairs or escalators, because you can lose control over the product,
the child might fall and hurt itself! You must pay extra attention when you go down or up the
pavement or a step.
22. Do not use the stroller close to heating devices, pools or other dangerous places! Always be
careful while crossing or moving on streets with traffic and do not rely on drivers to see you and
stopping their vehicle immediately, if you cross in a place with poor visibility.
23. Do not make changed on the construction or modifications, because they may
endanger the safety of your child. Use spare parts or other components which are recommended
or provided by the manufacturer. Otherwise the manufacturer shall not be liable for the safety of
the product. In case of a problem contact the sales agent or authorized repair shop for consultation
or repairs.
¡IMPORTANTE! Antes de plegar el carrito siempre active el dispositivo de freno, ponga el respaldo
en la posición más levantada, cierre el toldo y vacíe la cesta.
Para plegar el carrito debe estirar rápidamente hacia arriba el cinturón que esté en el medio del
asiento y el carrito va a plegarse. (Figura 2)
Después de esto debe activar el mecanismo de bloqueo del chasis. (Figura 3)
Inserte la rueda delantera en el lugar correspondiente en el carrito
y cuando ésta se quede anclada, debe oír un "clic". Asegúrese de
que las ruedas delanteras estén bien fijadas.
Para quitarlas - presione la lengüeta que esté al lado del agujero y
tire hasta que la rueda se quede libre. (Figura 4)
Tire hacia arriba la parte trasera del chasis, coloque las
ruedas traseras y el eje del chasis y ajuste bien hasta oír un
"clic". (Figura 5)
Para desmontar, presione el botón y libere la rueda trasera
del chasis.
Para desmontar la barra de seguridad, tire del mecanismo de fijación
del chasis del carrito y tire hacia arriba el extremo correspondiente
de la barra de seguridad. (Figura 6)
6.DISPOSITIVO DE FRENO (Freno trasero)
Para activar el dispositivo de estacionamiento, presione el pedal en el eje trasero hacia abajo. Para
liberar, presione hacia arriba. (Figura 7)
¡ATENCIÓN! ¡Active el dispositivo de estacionamiento siempre cuando el carrito esté estancado,
para evitar el riesgo de que el carrito se mueva!