Candela Vbeam Perfecta, Platinum, Aesthetica Treatment Guidelines
8502-00-0891 Revision G Candela Proprietary Sheet 5 of 8
A. Pre Treatment Preparation
1. Pretreatment Visit
Patient selection should be based upon the physician’s assessment of the individual patient,
including a detailed medical and medication history. The treatment protocol should be discussed in
detail including risks & benefits, possible side effects and expected results, alternative or concurrent
therapies and follow up care. The physician should set proper expectations based upon their
clinical experience. Informed consent and photographs should be obtained. Individual patient
characteristics such as skin condition and type, sex, age and medications may influence the
response to and efficacy associated with treatment. The response to treatment may vary on
subsequent visits and the skin reaction must be carefully assessed on each visit. These guidelines
are intended for use by practitioners who are knowledgeable in laser tissue interactions.
2. Contraindications and Precautions
a. Accutane: Wait 6 months after the completion of Accutane therapy
b. Tattoos: Do not treat tattooed skin, including decorative, permanent makeup and radiation port
c. History of photosensitivity to 595 nm light
d. Pregnancy: Refer to Candela Corporation policy # 0920-23-0814.
e. Seizure disorders: Do not treat patients with a history of light-triggered seizures.
Medications: Daily anticoagulation therapy, iron supplements, herbal supplements such as
ginkgo, ginseng or garlic may bruise more readily.
g. Photosensitizing Medications: Medications that induce photosensitivity or medications within or
above the 595 wavelengths. Refer to Candela Corporation Drugs That May Cause
Photosensitivity. Stop the medication if possible for 3-5 days prior to treatment.
h. Topical Medications and skin care products: Stop 72 hours pre and post. Self-tanning products
must be removed.
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1 & 2: Do not treat if active lesion(s) are present within the
intended treatment area. Patients with a known history of frequent HSV 1&2 lesions should
begin prophylaxis prior to treatment as prescribed by their physician.
Active skin infection: Avoid treatment of open wounds and skin that is actively infected.
k. Cold sensitivity: Use caution when treating patients with Raynaud’s phenomenon.
Keloid scarring: Perform test spots prior to treating larger areas.
m. Implanted medical devices: Pacemakers, cardioverters and other implantable devices or fillers:
consult MD.
n. Use caution when treating recently tanned skin. Blisters and hyper/hypopigmentation may
occur, allow tan to fade prior to treatment to reduce this risk. When in doubt, perform test spot
on tanned treated area and un-tanned area for comparison before proceeding.
o. Treatment of warts may result in hypopigmentation or a scar.