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CT520 LANforge WiFIRE 802.11a/b/g/n WiFi Traffic
Generator with 32 Virtual STA Interfaces
The CT520 wireless traffic generator is an excellent choice for testing Access Points and other WiFi networks. The
CT520 uses a modified Wireless driver for WiFi NICs based on the Atheros chipset. It can support up to 32 Virtual
Stations. Each of the Virtual Stations has its own IP address, IP port space, MAC address and routing table. The
Virtual Stations can be assigned to communicate to a particular Access Point, use a particular SSID, and have
optional WPA2 key assigned. More advanced 802.1X authentication is also included. There is a single WiFi radio
per CT520 but multiple LANforge systems can be clustered together for more realistic radio interference patterns
and increased traffic generation capability. The radio supports 802.11 a, b, g or n mode. Transmit power and
channel/frequency is configured on a per-radio basis. Most other settings are configurable per virtual station.
All virtual stations must be on the same frequency, but as long as the protocol supports that frequency, the
multiple protocols can be used concurrently. For instance, if the radio is configured for a 2.4Ghz channel, the
stations can be b, g, or n. If the radio is on a 5Ghz channel, the stations can be a or n. The bandwidth can be
configured for all protocols. For 802.11n and 802.11AC, configuring the MCS rates also determines the number of
spatial streams (1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 etc).
The Virtual Stations may be configured with all of the virtual interfaces on the same subnet, or different subnets,
depending on the testing requirements. When used with something like VoIP, it allows all of the VoIP calls to use
the standard IP ports (with one call per virtual interface).
The CT520 has no moving parts (other than the three removable external antenna on swivel mounts) and will fit
into a small travel bag or briefcase for easy portability. It is also completely silent, so you can include it in your
customer demos and presentations. No additional hardware or software is required, but it is suggested that you
manage the system using the LANforge-GUI on a separate machine. The CT520 can also be managed over a serial
console in text mode or through a directly connected monitor, mouse and keyboard.
Network Testing and Emulation Solutions