will be connected to the CT520.
8. Select the Port Mgr tab in the GUI. Double-click on the device called 'wiphy0'. This is the Radio device,
and should be configured for the correct, channel, country-code, etc. Next, select one or more of the
Virtual Station interfaces and click 'Modify'. Enter the correct IP address information, SSID and
WPA/WPA2 password (if Enabled). After applying these changes, the Virtual Station interface should
associate with the AP and be ready to send traffic. You may create up to 32 Virtual Station interfaces per
CT520 with the 'Create' button.
9. Once the interfaces are configured correctly, you can click on the Layer 3, VOIP/RTP and other
LANforge-FIRE related GUI tabs and configure/modify/start/stop particular traffic patterns that utilize
the virtual stations and wired Ethernet interface. In most cases, you will want one of the FIRE endpoints
to be on the wired interface and the other to be on the WiFi Virtual Station interface. It is also valid to
generate traffic between two Virtual Station interfaces. The GUI Plugins menu (and right-click on some
tables) provides some plugins to do automated testing and reporting. Contact support if you have
suggestions for improvements.
10. Any GUI modifications take place immediately after you click 'Submit'.
Candela Technologies Inc., 2417 Main Street, Suite 201, P.O. Box 3285, Ferndale, WA 98248, USA
www.candelatech.com | [email protected] | +1 360 380 1618
LANforge WiFIRE Related Images
Virtual Station Configuration Screen
Candela Technologies Inc., 2417 Main Street, Suite 201, P.O. Box 3285, Ferndale, WA 98248, USA
www.candelatech.com | [email protected] | +1 360 380 1618
Layer 3 (Ethernet, UDP, TCP) Connections
Layer 3 Create/Modify Screen
Software Features
1. Supports real-world protocols:
1. Layer 2: Raw-Ethernet.
2. 802.1Q VLANs.
3. PPPoE: Integrated PPPoE support.
4. Layer 3: IPv4, IPv6, UDP/IP, IGMP Multicast UDP, TCP/IP.
6. 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless Station (up to 32 per machine).
7. Layer 4: TELNET, PING, DNS, SMTP, NMAP (via add-on script).
8. File-IO: NFSv3, NFSv4, CIFS, iSCSI.