If you notice any missing parts, please contact your local distributor.
Item Number:
1. Front Panel 2. Back Panel (R) 3. Back Panel (L) 4. Side Panel (L) 5. Side Panel (R) 6. Bottom
Panel 7. Top Panel 8. Backrest (Long) 9. Backrest (Short) 10 Bench Panel (Long) 11. Bench Pan-
el (Short) 12. Sitting baffle (Long) 13. Sitting baffle (Short)
1. Front Panel 2. Back Panel (R) 3. Back Panel (L) 4. Side Panel (L) 5. Side Panel (R)
6. Bottom Panel 7. Top Panel 8. Backrest (Long)
9.Backrest (Short) 10.Bench Panel (Long) 11.Bench Panel (Short) 12.Sitting Baffle (Long)
13. Sitting Baffle (Short)
NOTE: The pieces shown in the packing list and instructions may differ slightly in appearance from
your model. If you have any questions regarding your product or assembly, please call 1-877-347-
7727 or check our support site at http://support.canadianspacompany.com/ for updated manuals.
Packing List for Model # HY-Y350 (#KY-10005)