Camtec Power Supplies GmbH - Gewerbestrasse 30 - DE-76327 Pfinztal / Germany
P.8/21 (07/2017.01.3)
Tel. +49 (721) 46596 - 0 Fax +49 (721) 46596 - 77
(Subject to alterations. This product is not designed to be used in applications such as life support systems wherein a failure or malfunction could result in injury or death)
LED Operating Signal
CV Constant Voltage Mode LED lights Green
OVP Overvoltage maloperation or interference voltage LED lights Red
CC Constant Current Mode LED lights Yellow
OCP Over Current Protection LED flashes Red, also see >>Fuse Mode<<
TA Temperature Alarm LED lights Yellow, warning temperature shutdown pending
OT Over Temperature Shutdown LED lights Red
INH Inhibit (Interlock) Shutdown LED lights Yellow
FF Fan Failure LED lights Red
SD Shutdown LED lights Yellow
SB Standby LED lights Red
Configuration of the Current Shjare Bus (CS) and Over Current Protection
CS active
CS non-active
Fuse Mode
Continuous Mode
CS (Current Share Mode) only applies when a current distribution must take place while parallel
operation mode. In single or parallel operation without the need of CS, always switch CS with S11 to OFF=1.
Factory set: CS non-active (S11=1), Continuous Mode (S12=1)
Note that for DIGI3201 interface equipped unit settings will be made with the browser in the software.
Programming/Monitoring V/C Analog Interface (Ureg-IN/Ireg-IN) (Umon/Imon)
The standard programming of the CPS-EX Series is an analog interface. The output voltage is linearly
proportional to the adjusted analog control signal.
The monitor signal is analog linear to the output voltage. The monitor signal for current and voltage is the real
value that is measured directly at the output of the power supply. If a sense line is connected to compensate for
the voltage drop across the load lines, the monitor signal is exactly the value that is measured at the connection
point of the sense line. The description of the power supply in the sense operation is carried out in a separate
The analog inputs and outputs are non-floating. The mass is connected to the DC negative output.
The burden of the control voltages is 1M
. The latency to full compensation of V/C on the interface from 0-
100% is 15ms for all CPS-EX models.
Programming V/C via Potentiometer (Uadj/Iadj) – Stand Alone Operation
The power supply is equipped with 2 potentiometers Uadj and Iadj for setting voltage and current.
Connect each Uadj and Iadj of CON3 to the inputs Ureg-IN and Ireg-IN. If one of the two potentiometers is not
used, the other value can still be programmed via the interface. In such case, only the control signal 0-5V can
be used.
Fuse Mode
The Fuse Mode can be used mode to prevent a major damage to a defective load. Fuse Mode can be activated
via the associated switch S12 DIP switch.
If the device is in the Fuse Mode (DIP switch S12=0), the device switches off when the constant current
operation is taking longer than typ. 5s. The red OCP LED flashes with a period of 0,4s. The PSU is locked. The
interlock can be canceled by the power supply is either switched off by the mains input, SB, or SD contact for a
Continuous Mode
If you select Continiuous Mode at DIP switch S12 (DIP switch S12=1), the device provides continuous power. It
also applicable in the Constant Current Mode. Factory setup = Continuous Mode