© CamRanger – Patent Pending
If registration fails, confirm Internet connectivity and the CamRanger serial number before contacting
for assistance.
CamRanger Setup
Power on the CamRanger and confirm all four lights briefly appear. The CamRanger will take
approximately 30 seconds until it is fully initialized.
The first time the user connects to the CamRanger from a Windows computer, the computer needs
to be registered. See the CamRanger Registration section above.
Once registered, connect to the CamRanger WiFi network on the computer. The network name will
be CamRanger-‐###, with the last three characters matching the last 3 characters of the CamRanger’s
serial number. Enter the network password, which is the full 8 characters of the CamRanger’s serial
number. The password MUST BE ENTERED IN ALL CAPS.
Connect the CamRanger to the camera with the provided black USB cable. (Note: units purchased
through retailers will have a USB mini cable, which will work with most cameras. A few select Nikons
use a different cable, which may be purchased separately or the cable that came with the camera will
also work) The male A end is inserted into the USB port at the end of the CamRanger, and the other
end is connected to the USB port of the camera. Then ensure the camera is turned on. When the
camera is connected and turned on, the green light closest to the edge of the CamRanger device will
Launch the CamRanger Windows application. The application will connect to the CamRanger and the
user will be able to control the camera. To attempt to manually initiate a connection, on the
Windows CamRanger menu bar, click “Connection” and then “Connect.”
For common problems with setup and connection refer to the Troubleshooting section at the end of
the manual.