SDM-CD16D 16 Channel Digital Control Port Expansion Module
2: 0 Exponent of 10
3: 20 -- Z Loc [ Fan_1 ]
26: Else (P94)
else, if flag 1 is reset
27: Z=F (P30)
put a ‘0’ into fan control
1: 0 F
2: 0 Exponent of 10
3: 20 -- Z Loc [ Fan_1 ]
28: End (P95)
end ‘then do/else’
29: Do (P86)
reset flag 1
1: 21 Set Flag 1 Low
30: End (P95)
end master loop
End fan control logic based on heater/cooler
Start fan control logic based on time
31: If time is (P92)
if 5 minutes remain
1: 10 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
out of 15 minute
2: 15 Interval (same units as above)
3: 12 Set Flag 2 High
set flag 2
32: If Flag/Port (P91)
if flag 2 is set
1: 12 Do if Flag 2 is High
2: 30 Then Do
33: Beginning of Loop (P87)
start fan loop
1: 0 Delay
2: 5 Loop Count
34: Z=F (P30)
put a ‘1’ into fan control
1: 1 F
2: 0 Exponent of 10
3: 20 -- Z Loc [ Fan_1 ]
35: End (P95)
end fan loop
36: End (P95)
end’ then do’
37: If time is (P92)
reset flag 2 at the
1: 0 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
end of the 15 minutes
2: 15 Interval (same units as above)
3: 22 Set Flag 2 Low
End fan control logic based on time
Input locations 10 to 24 are now loaded with a ‘1’ or ‘0’ to set ports on the SDM-CD16D
38: SDM-CD16 / SDM-CD16D (P104)
send instructions to the
1: 1 Reps
SDM-CD16D with address 00
2: 00 Address
3: 10 Loc [ Heat_1 ]
*Table 2 Program
02: 0.0000 Execution Interval (seconds)
*Table 3 Subroutines
End Program
-Input Locations-
1 Temp_1 7 4 0
2 Temp_2 10 0 0
3 Temp_3 10 0 0