CSAT3B Three-Dimensional Sonic Anemometer
FIGURE 4-6. SDM and power wiring to a CR6 data logger
CPI Communications
With CPI communications, connect the red and black wires on the end of
the CSAT3BCBL2-L-PT to the 12 V and ground terminals of a data logger
or to a 9.5 to 32 VDC power supply. Connect the RJ-45 connector on the
end of the CSAT3BCBL3-L-RJ to the CPI port on the CPI-compatible
data logger. Use FIGURE
FIGURE 4-7. CPI and power connections to a CR6 data logger
CSAT3BCBL1 SDM/Power cable from CSAT3B
Wire to power and SDM ports
To 12 VDC power supply
To power supply