Appendix C. Configuring the COM111
using the datalogger talk-thru mode
It is possible to reconfigure the modem connected to a logger without the
programming cable by talking through the datalogger from one communications
interface to another. This works with the CR6, CR300 Series, CR800 series,
CR1000 or CR3000 dataloggers.
This process can be generally used when you do not have a modem programming
cable but you do have a cable or interface to talk to the datalogger via one
interface and the modem is plugged into another. The possible configurations
include a PC connected to the RS232 port and the modem via an SC-WMI or the
PC connected to the CS I/O port (via an SC32B or SC-USB) and the modem
connected to the RS232 or USB port. (This procedure can work when the modem
is connected via an SC105, but that is not normally necessary as the cable for
connecting an SC105 and modem can also be used directly as a modem
programming cable.)
To allow you to talk to the modem via the datalogger follow this procedure
(amending the connection details to suit your configuration).
Connect the modem to the logger via the relevant interface and
communications port, e.g. the SC-WMI and CS I/O port.
Power up the modem and logger.
Connect the logger to the PC, e.g. via the RS232 or USB port if supported,
and start communicating with it using the Device Configuration program
(use the latest version from www.campbellsci.com/downloads ). Select the
correct PC COM port you intend to use and the baud rate and press connect.
First to turn off any PPP function in the logger, using the PPP tab. Set the
PPP port to inactive.
Then under the Comport settings check the serial port to which the modem
is connected is set to a baud rate which matches the setup of the modem (it
is not necessary to do this to receive calls normally but is best to do if trying
to make outgoing calls or to configure the modem). CS normally set the
baud rate to 9600 for GSM use and for 115200 for GPRS/3G use. Make
sure to click the Apply button after making a change and then reconnect to
the logger.
Then click on the Terminal tab.
Press enter a few times and you should get a prompt like “CR1000>” (a
similar model specific prompt is given for other loggers).
Then press P and enter (you need to do this within 3 seconds of receiving
the prompt as there is a fast timeout). If you miss this repeat step (7).
Then, in response to the list of com port addresses, enter 2 for ComME (for
the SC-WMI or SC932A) or the relevant entry to suit the com port to which
the modem is connected.
If prompted enter a timeout of say 300 (seconds), press enter after each