9. Maintenance and Recalibration
................................ 29
9.1 Cleaning Windows and Domes .............................................................. 29
9.2 Recalibration .......................................................................................... 29
9.3 Replacing the Drying Cartridge .............................................................. 30
9.4 Replacement Parts .................................................................................. 30
A. CNR4 Performance and Measurements under
Different Conditions
............................................. A-1
B. CNF4 Heater/Ventilator
........................................... B-1
B.1 General Information ............................................................................. B-1
B.2 Attaching the Optional CNF4 Heater/Ventilator Unit to CNR4 .......... B-2
B.3 Wiring .................................................................................................. B-6
B.4 Example B, CR3000 Datalogger Program with Heater/Ventilator
Control ............................................................................................. B-7
B.5 CNF4 Heater/Ventilator Maintenance ............................................... B-10
B.5.1 Testing the Heater .................................................................... B-10
B.5.2 Testing the Ventilator ............................................................... B-10
B.5.3 Replacing the Filter for the Ventilator ..................................... B-10
C. CR3000 Program for Measuring Pt-100
Temperature Sensor
............................................. C-1
2-1. The CNR4 net radiometer with cables and mounting rod, top view ....... 2
2-2. The CNR4 net radiometer with CNF 4 heater/ventilator unit, top view . 3
3-1. Attaching the mounting rod to the CNR4 body ...................................... 7
3-2. Attaching the CNR4 onto the mounting rod (010759) using vertical
pole or horizontal crossarm .................................................................. 8
6-1. The CNR4 sensor with SOLAR and TEMP cables ............................... 14
6-2. The marks on the end of the CNR4: S for SOLAR cable, and T for
TEMP cable ....................................................................................... 14
6-3. Labels on the pigtail end of the SOLAR cable...................................... 15
6-4. Labels on the pigtail end of the TEMP cable ........................................ 15
9-1. Replacing the Drying Cartridge ............................................................ 30
A-1. Different measurement conditions and signals .................................. A-2
A-2. Partly cloudy day for the upward facing pyrgeometer ....................... A-2
A-3. Clear day for the downward facing pyrgeometer ............................... A-3
B-1. CNF4 Package Contents ..................................................................... B-2
B-2. Attaching the CNF4 to CNR4 using pan-head screws and washers ... B-3
B-3. Making sure the cables are clear from the edges ................................ B-4
B-4. CNF4 solar shield and four flat-head screws ..................................... B-4
B-5. Attaching the solar shield to CNF4 using four flat-head screws ........ B-5
B-6. Affixing the sensor label to CNF4...................................................... B-5
B-7. Connecting the CNF4 power control cable and the mounting rod ..... B-5