block low frequency surge currents induced onto the center-pin from the antenna side until the
gas tube reaches a high enough voltage to shunt the surge to ground.
The protector gas tube lies between the center conductor and the coax cable shield. During a
surge event, the gas tube raises the center conductor potential to the same potential as the
shield. Once the center conductor and shield are equalized, current cannot flow between the
circuitry connected to the center conductor and the shield/equipment chassis ground, thus
protecting the equipment.
6.1 Surge protector enclosure installation
1. Use grommet and screw to secure the bracket to the enclosure backplate.
2. Place the O-ring on a connector of the Polyphaser protector.
3. Insert that connector through the large hole in the bracket.
38485 4G/3G 9 dBi MIMO Cellular Antenna