Connect this outlet to digital devices like CD and DVD players, A/D or D/A converters, media
servers, equipment with switching power supply, LCD or plasma television sets etc. with a
maximum 450 Watt power consumption. If you plug two devices in the digital outlet, the one not
in use should be switched off.
Analogical equipments, like phono or line preamplifiers, record players, headphone amplifier,
multi-channel or stereo integrated amplifiers, power amplifiers, can be connected to these
outlets. Be careful that the total amount of power consumption of the appliances connected does
not exceed 1.750 Watt, whether one or all three analog outlets are used.
off PE off
Caution! For each one of the the two analog outlets to the left of the rear panel it is possible to
disconnect the ground through the respective PE switch, this in order to remove a possible
audible humming generated by a ground loop, or to shape the acoustic scene of the system.
In this case, the Cammino company denies any liability for electrical security for the connected
devices and possible electric shock. Actually, the equipments connected to the harmonizer are
grounded through the signal cables connecting the devices one to the other, but this connection
cannot guarantee the same security level as a correct ground connection. It is therefore of
utmost importance that at least one of the equipments be steadily and properly connected to
ground! At this stage it is possible to evaluate how to get the best sound, whether un-grounding
the power amp, the pre amp or both. Should the CD player not have a grounded plug, keep the
pre or the power amp grounded.
The power switch on the right of the rear panel is not intended to turn on or off all the devices
contemporaneously, it should be used for example in case of a thunderstorm or when the house
is left for the holidays, in order to improve the protection of the audio or video system from
possible stroke of lightning. We suggest to turn on the system in a sequence, starting from the
sources to the amplifiers. To turn off the system proceed the opposite way, from the amplifier to
the sources. At this time you can set OFF the power switch, if needed.
By keeping the harmonizer turned on, some of the filtering components will be in parallel with
the AC powerline. This should deliver a sensible reduction of the electrical noises on all electric
and electronic appliances connected to the same powerline. Obviously only the devices
connected to the schuko outlets of the harmonizer will benefit completely of the filtering effect.