Trigger Type
A setting of Low will trigger when the sensor
reading is lower than the setting.
A setting of High will trigger when the sensor
reading is higher than the setting
With a Threshld setting, when you activate the
sensor it records the base value and then a trigger
happens when a difference greater than the
threshold value is recorded. Then once the bulb
has finished, a new base value is recorded. See
the example in the Light Sensor section of the
document for how this would be used.
A setting of Digital will cause digital readings to be
taken instead of analog readings. So instead of a
reading from 0 to 999 you will only get a 0 (low) or
1 (high). This mode is faster, but will not work with
sensors that depend on analog readings.
Trigger Value
Numeric value
between 000 and
Or Hi/Low if
Trigger Type set to
First value is the trigger value you set, and second
value is the current value read by sensor. The
current sensor value, which is displayed to the
right of this value, is updated every 500 ms.
When set to a trigger type of Threshld, the
updating value is the difference between the high
and low sensor readings during that sampling
If trigger type is set to digial then this will dislay Hi
or Low instead of a number.
This setting allows the sensor to be turned off
when the device associated with that sensor is
For example, if there is a laser sensor connected
to the Sensor1 port and a light sensor connected
to the Sensor2 port. You could set Device1
(camera) to trigger based on input from sensor2
(light sensor). Then if Sensor1 (laser) turns it’s
power off based on to Device2 (camera linked to
light sensor). When the laser triggers the lights
sensor the laser will turn off. You can also use the
more powerful “and” or “or” trigger modes of the
devices to make very flexible decisions on when to
turn off the power to a sensor.
Sensor Settings
An example of using the Advanced Sensor Menu with a microphone is described below in the
Microphone Sensor section of the document.