- Manual
- ver
- 04/2017 - © C
AME S.p.A. - The data and information shown in this manua
l ar
e t
o be consider
ed subject t
o change at any time and without the need for any advance warning.
Edit the video camera's settings as you want and confirm your choices by pressing "Apply".
Note: by default, the user name and password are the ones pre-set, the port is 80 and the trans-
port protocol is UDP.
Editing camera settings
To access the information about channel, IP address, password, etc, again...
Select the channel and press or double-click on the channel you want.
After adding IP channels, press the [Refresh] button; the connection status [state] will be displayed
as [connected]. If not, it is necessary to check the connection to the network and whether the user
name and password are correct.
Checking connection status