- Manual
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- 04/2017 - © C
AME S.p.A. - The data and information shown in this manua
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e t
o be consider
ed subject t
o change at any time and without the need for any advance warning.
MSSP protocol
If the IP video camera is a Milesight
device this protocol can be selected to
add video cameras. (see screenshot).
RTSP protocol
Lets you add any IP video camera that
uses the RTSP protocol to manage
video flows.
Port 554 must be selected and the
"resource path" for the video camera
For example, for the Milesight device,
the main flow of the resource path is
"/main" and the secondary flow is "/
sub" (see screenshot).
ONVIF protocol
Lets you add any compatible ONVIF IP
video camera. Details of the formats
are shown in the screenshot
Select an inactive channel, fill in all the required fields and click on the [Add] button.
There are 3 compatible protocols to choose from:
Adding an IP video camera manually