Cambridge Engineering, Inc.
M-Series Technical Manual
The Cambridge Engineering Operating Electronic Thermostat (OET) controls the heater’s ON/OFF
operation in a space heating mode. It includes the following features:
• Digital LED display of current temperature and temperature settings.
• LED indication of status of output relay.
• Separate settings for HEAT ON and HEAT OFF settings.
• Temperature Calibration for accurate temperature control.
• EEPROM storage maintains temperature settings indefinitely in case of power loss.
The thermistor enclosure (SH-1) is packed inside the Remote Control Station for shipment. It can be
mounted on the exterior sides or bottom of the Remote Control Station or a remote location within
500 feet of the Remote Control Station using 18 gauge stranded, twisted-pair, shielded cable. The
thermistor is hard wired to the temperature sensor terminal block.