C ambricon ®
Copyright © 2020 Cambricon Corporation
Copyright Declaration
Cambricon Technologies Corporation Limited(hereinafter referred to as "Cambricon ") does not represent,
guarantee (express, implied or statutory) or guarantee the information contained in this document and expressly
waives any and all implied guarantees of saleability, ownership, non-aggression of intellectual property or
applicability for a specific purpose, and cambricon does not assume any liability arising from the application or
use of any product or service. cambricon shall not be liable for any breach of contract, damages, costs or
problems arising from :(1) any way of using cambricon products contrary to this Guide; or (2) customer product
Limitation of liability
In no case shall Cambricon be liable for any damage caused by the use or inability to use this Guide
(including but not limited to damage such as loss of profits, business disruption and loss of information), even
if Cambricon has been advised that such damage may be suffered. Although the customer may suffer any
damage for any reason, according to the terms and conditions of sale of the products of the Cambricon, the
total and cumulative liability of Cambricon to the customer for the products described in this Guide shall be
Accuracy of information
The information provided in this document is owned by Cambricon and Cambricon reserves the right to
make any changes to this document information or to any products and services without notice. The information
contained in this guide and all other information of the Cambricon documents cited in this guide are provided
"as is ". Cambricon does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of information, texts, patterns, links or
other items contained in this guide. Cambricon may make changes to this Guide or to the products described
in this Guide without notice, but does not undertake to update this Guide.
The performance tests and grades listed in this guide are to be measured using a specific chip or computer
system or component. After such tests, the results shown in this guide reflect the general performance of
Cambricon products. Any difference in system hardware or software design or configuration will affect actual
performance. As mentioned above, Cambricon does not represent, warrant or guarantee that the products
described in this Guide will apply for any particular purpose.Cambricon does not represent or guarantee testing
all parameters of each product.The customer is solely responsible for ensuring that the product is suitable and
applicable to the application of the customer plan and for performing the necessary tests on the application,