Handi-Lift ML7
© 2021
Page 18
Version 1.2
The correct clearance dimensions and from the surrounding structure
are maintained throughout the full travel of the Handi-Lift
The Handi-Lift shall be subjected to insulation tests
Verify that the polarity of the mains supply connection is correct
Test to verify the functional operation of the overspeed detection
device and safety gear
Verify that the mechanism for emergency/manual operates correctly
The alarm device when activated operates correctly
All notices, etc. are correctly displayed
Undergo without failure a dynamic test to check the forces imposed
by the maximum working load
Undergo the testing of the overload detection device for wheelchair
platforms only
Declaration A
I/We certify that on ____/____/____ this Handi-Lift was installed to the latest
installation instructions and thoroughly examined and found to be free from obvious
defects and to comply with the requirements of and that the foregoing is a correct
report of the examination.
Signed: ______________________________ Qualifications: Authorised Installer
Address: ____________________________________
Date: ______________
Certificate of acceptance by purchaser/user
I/We being the purchaser/user of the Handi-Lift (serial no. _______________) have
received and fully understood, verbal and written instructions, in association with a
demonstration, from __________________________________ on its correct and
safe use.
Signed: ________________________________
Date: _______________