Alarm and Chime
• In the alarm mode, press “D”
to on/off the alarm and chime
in the following sequences:
Alarm & Chime off - Alarm
on Chime on - Alarm &
Chime on.
Alarm Time Setting
1. In the alarm mode, press “A” the hour to
flash(flashing indicated in set mode.
2. Press “D” to increase the hour, press and
hold to increase at high speed.
3. Press “B” to select the minutes.
4. Press “D” to increase the minutes,press and
hold to increase at high speed.
5. Press “A” to exit the set state, after you set.
• the alarm sounds at the preset time each
day for about 60 seconds, press any button
to break it.
A Lap Time
Split Time
1. In the stopwatch mode, press “D” to
start the stopwatch.
2. to stop the stopwatch by pressing
“D” again.
3. Press “A” to reset the stopwatch.
1. In the stopwatch mode,press “D” to start
the stopwatch.
2. Press “A” to display the split time,
stopwatch timing continues internally.
3. Press “A” to clear the split time and to
continue time measurement.
4. Repeat step 2 and 3, you can measure
themulti split time.
5. Press “D” to stop the stopwatch.