phone: 22 355 23 40
○ Location
This tab contains the map with a precise location
of your child marked.
The map also displays the movement history as
a path. The watch updates the location every 2
minutes. When the child remains in one place for
a protracted period, the watch goes into sleep to
save battery power and wakes then he or she
changes location. On a small-scale map,
locations from places close to one another are
merged into a single point, which is divided into
smaller ones when the map is zoomed.
You can also browse archive data from previous days by selecting a
date in the calendar at the top of the screen.
○ Settings
■ Contact list
Here you can manage the contact list available in the watch.
After clicking the given contact, you will be transferred to the
contact edit window, where you can change its name and
number. You can also delete a contact with the button on the
left hand side, or add a new one using the "+". Accept the
changes using the "submit" button.