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Lerchenfeldstr. 9 87600 Kaufbeuren Tel.: +49(0)8341 / 9764-0 Fax: +49(0)8341 / 67806
Connection of lower wiring loom A01
Fig. 18
The lower wiring loom is connected to the A01
plug on the EVS.
Connection of upper wiring loom A02
Fig. 19
The upper wiring loom is connected to the 12 pole
A02 plug on the EVS.
Mains connection
Disconnect the power cables from the battery
and from the mains before connecting /
disconnecting any cables!
Provide the potential equalisation between the device and the mobile home or
the caravan. Use a green/yellow cable with a minimum cross-section of 4 mm².
The potential equalisation does not replace the protective conductor in the
mains cable.
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Fig. 20: Potential equalisation
Connect the 230 volt outputs of the electric supply to the
mains system of the mobile home or caravan. Connect the
green/yellow cable to the earth circuit! The 230 volt
circuit breaker of the electric supply serves as mains
protection, and is connected directly on the input side to
supply socket of the mobile home or caravan.