Step 4: Open
Check which direction your gate opens when viewed from the inside (exit side).
Dip Switch #6 (Figure 10) on the bottom of the gate operator circuit board
controls the open direction.
On = opens right, Off = opens left
Figure 10
Step 5: Installing the Photo Eye
1. Plug the photo eye cable to the back of the gate opener,
behind the circuit board,
igure 1
2. Press the reset button on the gate operator control board.
3. Mount the photo eye on the stationary part of your gate or a post next
to your gate, about 21" from the ground.
4. Press the orange button on the photo eye to turn on the infrared beam.
5. Mount the reflector to the opposite side. Make sure the infrared beam hits
inside the circle of the reflector. Figure 1
6. Press the orange button on the photo eye to turn off the infrared beam.
Figure 1
Figure 1
Infrared beam
inside circle
Youtube video with more details on how to install the photo eye: https://youtu.be/F7NpB9W_OMY
Plug photo eye
cable here