page 10
Diagram 9
Place the lava grid (2) on to the lower holders of the bottom casting (3). Spread the lava rocks
evenly on the lava grid. To obtain an optimum result in barbecuing the grate should be covered
about 70-80%. Place the cooking grid (1) on the upper holders of the bottom casting.
If defective, replace.
Gas smell
Turn off gas valve.
Ensure all connections
Check valve gasket.
are properly made
Check all gas connections for security
Exchange for full container
Turn on
Burner does not light
Is gas container empty?
If no, immediately turn off gas
Is gas valve turned off?
If gas is present, can burner
have Ignitor investigated and
be lit using a match?
High flames and lava rocks alight Are the lava rocks dirty? Clea n th e rock s whe n cold
Does the food have excess fat? Remov e exces s f at prio
r to grillin g,
r coo k in fo il. Reduc e th e heat
Grill temperature not high enough Was grill pre-heated sufficiently? Observ e 5-1 0 minute s war m u p
Does flame burn evenly over whole burner? Clea n burne
r whe n col d, if dir ty
Are sufficient burners alight? Lig ht furthe
r burner(s)
Are lava rocks piled up on grill? Us e on ly on e laye
r of rocks
Are rocks very dirty? Clea n rock s whe n cold
Flames kick back You hear a bubbling noise Tur n ga s valv e o ff immediatel y .
Occasionally flames kick back into Wa it 3 minute s, the n t ry agai n .
the tubes during lighting If it happen s agai n, abando n cookin g
un til burne
r ha s bee n cleaned.
And refer to propane gas dealer, if yes,
rectified by propane gas dealer