The Caleffi AngleMix™ 520 series thermostatic mixing valve is used
in systems producing domestic hot water and easily mounts to the
top of water heaters. The mixed temperature outlet is inline with
the hot water inlet, facilitating trouble-free connection and reducing
space required for installation. The AngleMix maintains the desired
output temperature of the mixed water supplied at a constant set
value compensating for both temperature and pressure fluctuations
of the incoming hot and cold water. The mixing valve also features a
thermal shut-off function that operates in the event of a cold water
supply failure at the inlet. Also available as body only, for a wide
variety of separately-ordered end connections, the angle style body
design offers improved fluid dynamics for better performance and
reduces installation labor and materials, eliminating a piping elbow
in typical installations.
The valve has been specifically certified to ASSE 1017 and Low
Lead Plumbing Law by ICC-ES
AngleMix™ Thermostatic mixing valve
520 Series
© Copyright 2018 Caleffi
Product range
5205__A series: Adjustable three-way thermostatic mixing valve with mixed outlet temperature gauge
and angle body............................................................connections ¾” press and sweat union
5205__AC series: Adjustable three-way thermostatic mixing valve with mixed outlet temperature gauge,
angle body with inlet port check valves............................connections ¾” press and sweat union
520051A: Adjustable three-way thermostatic mixing valve, angle style body only for field installed
connection fittings and temperature gauge, order separately.........connections 1” male union
Technical specification
-Valve body: DZR low-lead brass
-Shutter, seats and slide guides:
stainless steel
-Seals: EPDM
-Adjustment knob: ABS
Suitable fluids:
Setting range:
95–150° F (35–65° C)
Tolerance: ±3° F (±2° C)
Max. working pressure (static): 150 psi (10 bar)
Max. working pressure (dynamic): 75 psi (5 bar)
Max. hot water inlet temperature: 195°F (90°C)
Max. inlet pressure ratio (H/C or C/H) for optimal
performance: 2:1
Min. temperature difference between hot
water inlet and mixed water outlet for optimal
performance: 18°F(10°C)
Min. flow to ensure optimal performance:
0.5 gpm (2 L/min)
Mixed outlet temperature gauge:
2” diameter
Scale from 30—210º F
ASSE 1017/CSA B125.3, certified by ICC-ES,
file PMG-1357.
NSF/ANSI 372-2011, Drinking Water System
Components-Lead Content Reduction of Lead in
Drinking Water Act, California Health and Safety
Code 116875 S.3874, Reduction of Lead in Drinking
Water Act, certified by ICC-ES, file PMG-1360.