CalDigit SuperSpeed PCI Express
If you purchased the
CalDigit SuperSpeed
PCI Express Card
, please make sure you have
an available PCIe slot for installation. Make
sure you have the following items:
1. CalDigit SuperSpeed PCI Express Card
2. CalDigit driver, the lastest driver can be
found at
3. CalDigit certified USB 3.0 cable
CalDigit SuperSpeed Expresscard
for Laptop
If you are using the CalDigit AV Drive on a
laptop, please make sure the laptop is
equipped with a USB 3.0 port, or you can
purchase the
CalDigit SuperSpeed
Expresscard for Laptop
Please make sure the laptop is equipped with
an Expresscard 34 slot in order to use the
CalDigit SuperSpeed Expresscard for Laptop.
Make sure you have the following items:
1. CalDigit SuperSpeed PCI Expresscard
for Laptop.
2. CalDigit driver, the lastest driver can be
found at
3. CalDigit certified USB 3.0 cable