Formatting the CalDigit AV Drive
Mac OS X - Using CalDigit Drive Assistant
The CalDigit AV Drive comes preloaded with CalDigit Drive Assistant which will format the
CalDigit AV Drive. It also contains bundled software, drivers and the CalDigit AV Drive
manual. CalDigit Drive Assistant will automatically detect if your computer is a Mac or PC
and will format your drive as well as transfer the bundled software.
Connect the AC Adaptor to the CalDigit AV Drive.
Connect the power to the CalDigit AV Drive.
Connect the FireWire 800 or USB 3.0 cable (if using USB 3.0 make sure the USB 3.0 drivers
are installed) to the CalDigit AV Drive and then to the computer.
The CalDigit AV Drive will mount and CalDigit Drive Assistant window will Open.
Double-click on the icon to launch CalDigit Drive Assistant.
The CalDigit Drive Assistant will launch, read the introduction information and press
continue to proceed.
Read and Accept the Software License Agreement