Operating Instructions
Uniprep 1 + 2 Rotary Scraping Tools
03. Operation
5. Position the scraper onto the pipe with the tool resting on the axle
wheels and with the undercarriage (7) inside the bore of the pipe.
The end of the pipe should touch the pipe stop (9).
6. Fix the tool in its operating position by pushing & lifting the under
arm (8) back up the ladder (1) until the undercarriage wheels are
touching against the inner wall of the pipe, now screw in wing nut
(11) until the wheels on the undercarriage (7) are firmly in contact
with the pipe wall.
7. Slowly rotate the scraper around the pipe 2 or 3 times to ensure that
it is positioned correctly adjusting the underarm clamping screw (11)
to ensure a secure but at the same time ease of rotation.
8. Pull and twist a quarter turn the quick release thumb nut (4) to
allow the tool post carriage to move freely along the feed screw
(10). Remove the protection cap from the cutter (6) and position the
cutter (6) above the mark previously made on the pipe indicating the
length or scrape required, a further quarter turn of the thumb nut (4)
will engage the feed screw-drive nut with the feed screw (10).
9. Pull & twist a quarter turn the cutter lifting thumb nut (2) to lift
the cutter tip up, this also applies pressure via the tool tip spring.
Release the tool post adjustment nut (5) and
slide the tool post (3)
down until the cutter is approximately 1mm from the pipe wall
, now retighten the tool post adjustment nut (5) to fix the
tool post in its correct operating position.
10. A further quarter turn of the cutter lifting thumb nut (2) will lower the
cutter on to the pipe wall surface and the correct pressure will be
applied to the tip (6) via the tool tip spring.
11. Rotate the scraping tool around the pipe in a steady clockwise
direction. The cutter will travel towards the pipe end removing a
continuous strip of PE the process may be halted from time to time
to remove surplus peel.