User's Guide — 17
Linear Conversions
Convert 14 feet to other dimensions:
Keystroke Display
14 [Feet] . . .
[Conv] [Yds]
4.666667 YD
[Conv] [Feet]
14 FT 0 IN
[Conv] [Feet]
14 FT
[Conv] [Inch]
168 IN
[Conv] [mm]
4267.2 MM
[Conv] [cm]
426.72 CM
[Conv] [m]
4.2672 M
Square Conversions
Convert 14 square feet to other square
Keystroke Display
14 [Sq] [Feet] . . .
[Conv] [Inch]
2016 SQ IN
1.555556 SQ YD
1.300643 SQ M
1300643 SQ MM
13006.43 SQ CM
* When performing conversions, [Conv] only has to be
pressed once.