VIN: <Vehicle Vin Number>
OBDII Protocol:5
The SMS command to check vehicle detection status:
The vehicle detection complete response will look like:
-Veh Det-
VIN:<Vehicle Vin Number>
DTCs Cnt:7
Flt Mtch:1
4. Once the vehicle detection has completed the vehicle ignition can then be turned off.
5.3 Installation Verification
In many cases it is desirable to verify that an installed LMU-3050
™ is working properly. That is,
installers should verify that the GPS and communications functions of the LMU-3050
™ are working
properly before departing the installation site. In more robust cases, some key configuration settings
such as the Inbound Address and URL should also be verified.
Note that these processes are all based on issuing AT Commands to the LMU-3050
™. It is expected
that installers will have access to a serial port expansion cable and a laptop or PDA capable of a
terminal connection. Alternatively, an SMS message can be sent to an LMU-3050
™ to obtain its
current status.
5.3.1 Comm Verification
Installers should first verify that the LMU-3050
™ has been acquired and has registered to the wireless
network. This may be verified in one of two ways. First, installers may look at the Comm LED (i.e., the
one closest to the SMC antenna connector). If this LED is solid, then the LMU has registered to the
network and established a data session.