Revised 14 June 2003
Appendix F
Should you paint your antenna? We think so, but it's your decision. Here are the facts:
Nil; a thin dielectric coating (paint) between the metal and the air does cause changes,
but they would be very difficult to measure for antennas of this size. A slight reduction in
precipitation static may be noticed.
There are two primary advantages to painting an antenna:
First, its visual impact is mitigated, because the recommended paint is flat, eliminating
the "glint" associated with aluminum, even so called low-glare treatments. Further, the
recommended paint is very close to the color and gray-scale of power company pole-
mounted transformers and modern insulators; this results in it not being too dark against
a light sky, nor too light against a dark sky.
Second, the antenna is protected from weathering, particularly if its surrounding area is
subject to contaminants that would attack aluminum (ocean air, acid rain, etc.).
Other advantages include: cleaner handling (bare aluminum can be really dirty stuff),
protection and easy-to-disassemble locking of mounting hardware, protection of cables,
BALUNs, etc. from the effects of sunlight, and as mentioned above, some reduction of
static from raindrops.
Labor and cost of painting materials
1. "Scotch-Brite" pad, general-purpose hand pad, maroon. Available from auto painting
and abrasives companies and larger hardware stores
2. Clean soft rags or paper towels
3. Acetone or Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone (MEK) (latter recommended)
4. Light Gray Primer, Rust-Oleum No. 2081, available at Home Depot, large hardware
stores, and some paint stores. There are no recommended substitutes at this time.
1. This primer is light gray, a color that is being used more and more for power-pole
insulators, transformers, etc., for looking less obtrusive against an average sky.
2. Read instructions on paint can thoroughly; disregard the part about surface
preparation, which was written for steel automotive bodies. This particular primer