Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd
2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009)
Tel:+86 592 5901215
web: en.caimore.com
Picture 4-1-16
Rule 1: PING Mode
Wireless gateway checks destination IP address through PING (ICMP) packet
periodically. When the referenced destination IP address device doesn’t respond PING
(ICMP), wireless gateway considers communication line is disconnected already, and
it will released the original link, then dial-up again automatically, till communication
link is smooth. So please make sure the selected destination address IP server is stable
and on, otherwise, gateway will judge to be off-line, and make gateway on-line and
off-line frequently.
Notice: the selected destination IP address server is allowed PING, if not allowed,
the destination IP address server doesn’t respond to PING, gateway will judge to be
off-line, and make gateway on and off-line frequently.
Rule 2: TCP mode
Wireless gateway checks destination IP address and port through TCP syn packet
periodically, when the destination IP address device doesn’t respond, wireless gateway
considers communication line is disconnected already, wireless gateway will released
the original link, then dial-up again automatically, till communication link is smooth.
So please make sure the selected destination address IP server is stable and on,
otherwise, gateway judge to be off-line, and make gateway on and off-line frequently.
Notice: the selected destination IP address server is checking relevant port, if the
selected destination IP address server is not stable or off or without checking relevant
port, gateway judge it to be off-line, and make gateway on and off-line frequently.
Rule 3
In a certain period of time, if the gateway did not receive any data package, then it is
believed that the communication link disconnected, and it will dial-up again till
communication link is smooth