E1: Humidity Sensor or Communication Error
S o l u t i o n : Ve r i f y t h a t t h e p u m p i s p r o p e r l y i n s t a l l e d a n d
functioning. If so, unplug the unit for two minutes, then restart.
E4: Problem with Pump
Solution: Check to ensure that the sensor wire is connected at
both ends, if no issues are visible, the sensor may be faulty.
Solution: Contact us for Assistance.
Solution: Decrease the room temperature so it is within operating
range (below 105
). If error is still displayed, check the sensor.
E5: Refrigerant Leak
Solution: Increase the room temperature so it is within operation
range (above 35.6
). If error is still displayed, check the sensor.
HI: Room Temperature is above 105
LO: Room Temperature is below 35.6
5.1 When the purge button is pressed
t h e d i s p l a y w i l l t e l l t h e u s e r o n t h e
dashboard that the pump is draining and
display a 30-second countdown timer. Until
the machine finishes draining, the display
will also prompt the user on the dashboard
that the machine is draining automatically,
and display a 30-second countdown.
If the machine has an error and needs
service, the onboard control system will
display a diagnostic code. If E1, E4, HI or
LO is displayed on the vehicle control
screen, please refer to the following: