4 . 6 P r e s s t h e S e t b u t t o n t o t o g g le t h e
temperature units between
. Press
the MENU button to confirm selection and
advance to the next screen.
4.7 Press the “Set button” to switch GPP
units between gr/lb. or gr/kg. Press the
“MENU button” to confirm the selection and
advance to the next screen. GPP= Grains per
pound (GR/LB).
4.8 Press the “Set button” to adjust the set
point RH% in 5% increments ranging from 25
to 80% RH. and then loop back to CO. Adjust
to CO mode, dehumidifier always running.
Press the “MENU button” to confirm selection
and advance to the next screen.
4.9 The display prompts the user that the
defrost cycle is in progress.
The defrosting status is displayed on the
main interface as a flashing icon until the
defrosting ends and the defrosting lamp
disappears. In the meantime, please wait
patiently for the machine to finish frosting.
5 . 0 T h e c o m p r e s s o r i s i n a p r o t e c t i v e
condition. During this period, please be
patient and wait for the countdown to end.
The dehumidifier will automatically turn on
after the countdown.