good ideas for great parents
If you need to thread the
rings before use... B
Fig B.1 - Take the carrier out of the bag and place it over your shoulders, re-enforced panel
section to the back.
Fig B.2 - Take the strap over your left shoulder across your body and thread through both rings.
Fig B.3 - Then take the end of the strap and thread it back through the front/top ring. To test
whether you have threaded them correctly pull on the fabric behind the rings…it should stay
firmly in place. Then repeat the steps right to left and go straight to Fig A.3 and follow the steps
from there.
Special note for breastfeeding mums…
Re-thread the rings to alternate sides when breastfeeding, (make sure baby is not in the
carrier); pull the fabric of the inner strap out of the rings …take it back across you over the top
of the opposite strap and re-thread in the same rings. Pull on the ends of the hammock straps
to tighten.
Organic instructions.indd 5
17/04/2015 16:01