Detectors and Interfaces
The scene plate can be used in conjunction with detectors, groups of detectors and clock interfaces to
select scenes. For example a presence detector can be used to select scene 1 when it detects, and
select scene 0 when the room is vacant.
To work in this mode dependencies on the relevant devices need to be entered on to the scene plate.
Note: dependencies should not be entered onto the LCM in this case. The LCM will only need to be
dependent on the scene plate, unless daylight linking is required.
Use the “Scene on” command to determine which scene is selected when an on message is received
from a detector, group or interface. In the case of a detector dependency, selected an on scene of 0 will
ignore the on message, so acting as an absence detector.
Use the “Scene off” command to determine which scene is selected when an off message is received.
Where a group dependency is added, a group off delay can be specified. The off scene will be selected
after the delay time, starting from when the last detector in the group was off.
Scene 1 can be used as a daylight linking scene. To achieve this the detector dependency should be
added to the LCM and the scene plate. When scene 1 is selected, daylight linking will occur. Any other
scene will disable this. This mode can be permanently disabled by removing the detector dependency
or disabled daylight linking on the LCM channel.