Step 4: Hold the PCB in one hand so that the component side of the PCB is in the palm
of your hand and the bottom side with the pots, toggle switch and LED is facing up. Now
use your other hand to guide the predrilled enclosure onto the PCB assembly so that the
pots, toggle switch and LED all go into there respective holes. Once the PCB assembly is
in place, secure it by screwing on the washers and nuts for the pots and toggle switch.
Only tighten them with your fingers. You do not want them very tight yet. Be sure to
keep your hand on the PCB so that it does not fall off the PC mounting posts of the pots
and toggle switch.
Step 5: Turn the entire pedal over so that the component side of the PCB if facing up.
Lift the PCB up off the pots and toggle switch about 2mm just to make sure that the back
of the PCB does not short out against that pots. Make sure the PCB is level and
symetrically seated inside the enclosure.
Step 6: Solder the pots, PCB, and LED. You will solder these parts on the component
side of the PCB. After you have soldered them in place, be sure to tighten up their nuts.