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Co nne ct one end of the aud io line to the external audio de vice, such as the MP3 outpu t and the other en d to the
AU X input. Switch on your CD pla yer and press this button, thus you can pla y the tra cks stored in your external
au dio device via the on- boa rd CD player if the devi ce is tur ned on.
In other play modes, you can press the AUX button to enab le the external au dio device to play. If no external
au dio device is avai lab le, you will retu rn to the prev ious play mode.
Aft er your CD player is turn ed on , the external aud io de vice play mode will be accessed direc tly if it is inserted .
“ ” and “ ”:
Rad io mo de: Press the bu tton for 0.5 secon d to selec t a chann el bac kward or forward and for 2 seconds abo ve
to search the previ ous or next avai lab le chan nel automati cally.
CD mo de : Press the bu tton to selec t a track bac kward or forward. Press and hold it to perform fast forward or
fast rewind.
To resume norm al play, rel ease it.